Lessons | Swimmer 6 | Winter

Mill River
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
7:15 PM
Individual Stroke


Register Swimmer 6 | Tuesdays at 7:15pm to 8:00pm

120$ (taxes included)

Lessons begin January 23rd, 2024 and end February 27th, 2024

Limited to 6 participants. The child must participate in a minimum of four classes to be eligible to pass.

Child is at least 6 years of age (must be at least 6 years old on January 23rd, 2024).


During the Swimmer 6 session, the child will be expected to do the following:

- stride entry into deep water

- front and back crawl is 100m

- breast stroke is 50m

- breast stroke interval training of 4 x 25m

- egg beater kick 15m

- scissor kick of `5m


Swimming Lessons Information

Each session consists of 6 classes of 45 minutes. Should there be any interference with the regularly scheduled lessons (for example, the weather), a make up class will be arranged. The cancellation of swim lessons due to the weather will follow the Westisle Family School cancellation policy.

Applications will be accepted up until the day before the session is to begin on a first come first serve basis until each session is full.

No registrations will be accepted the day of or after a desired session has started.

Please arrive at the pool no more than 15 minutes prior to the lesson and be ready for your lesson. Goggles are not required but encouraged. Because lessons are performance based, if it is determined that your child is not prepared for a group lesson, we reserve the right to suggest alternatives. Once the lesson has ended, we ask that everyone exit the water, so the next lesson can begin.

The undersigned releases the Mill River Health & Wellness Centre from all liabilities whatsoever arising from the participant in the lesson in which the participant is engaged in. No refunds will be provided.

Each registered swimmer is to abide to ALL the rules and regulations of the Mill River Health & Wellness center facilities.  

Thank you for your cooperation.



Fill out only the following required fields (Child's first name, Child's last name, email address & phone number) .

Registration for this event is currently closed.