Helping our Heroes

Stephanie Rose
Saturday, July 30, 2022
9:00 AM
Team Scramble


3rd annual golf outing for veterans and their families

We are having a golf outing held at Rolling Meadows in Fond du Lac, WI. IT IS ON A SATURDAY!!!! We will raise money for Salute The Troops to help veterans and families of those who are struggling.  This benefit will be held in memory of Andrew Owen Alexander.

We will have 50/50 raffles and door prizes for those of you who join us at Rolling Meadows and Coliseum.Tee off is at 9 a.m. on Saturday, July 30th. It will be a 4 man best shot with 18 holes. Not to mention you are still able to socialize with some great people. Once 18 holes are done, there will be raffles, good food and drinks, and a chance to win amazing donations. 

Sign up fast for this event, because we fill up quickly! We are looking to have a great turn just like the last 2 years! For those of you who do not golf or aren't wanting to just socialize, we are looking for volunteers to help pull this benefit off.

The tickets for Rolling Meadows will be $80. This includes door prizes, carts, scorecards, and a ticket for a brat or burger while golfing. Don't forget the goodie bags that each player gets to start off the day. We will be selling shirts for the benefit, which we have ordered through Hoppers. There will be a tent at this event through Salute The Troops so you can hear what the non-profit organization is all about and what they have to offer for the community. There may be other tents set up for suicide prevention. 

Rain or shine we want to make this event happen!  The weather doesn't always cooperate with our plans, so fingers crossed for great weather!  If you plan to come please register on the site so we know how many to expect.  Again you only have to register online if you plan to golf. The cut off for registration will be on July 23rd. Thank you to all of you who made this benefit possible! If you would like to volunteer please get a hold of Stephanie Rose via Facebook messenger or feel free to call or text at 920-251-5590. 


Sign up now to secure your spot for the 3rd Annual Helping Our Heroes Outing

Registration for this event is currently closed.